Website effects

As technology has evolved, website design has become increasingly valuable in capturing the attention and imagination of visitors. We've created a list of some of our favourite website effects that can be used to achieve just this, and contribute to an all-round pleasant user experience.

Ken Burns website banner animation

The Ken Burns website banner animation effect is a type of panning and zooming effect achieved by adding an animated transition to a digital photograph which creates the illusion of movement. It is commonly used by filmmakers when video material is not available, but can also be applied to website design to increase visual impact and attract attention to specific areas of a photograph. Click here to view an example of the Ken Burns website banner animation effect.

Accordion Slider

An accordion slider is a design utility that enables items to expand and collapse in response to user interaction. Accordions are incredibly useful for revealing additional information to a user and can be combined with subtle animations that contribute to a pleasant user experience. Click here to view an example of a navigational accordion slider.

Typewriter Effect

The typewriter effect is an incredibly eye-catching feature that engages with the web user's curiosity and encourages them to pause for a moment to read what you have to say. It's great for displaying information in a concise and playful manner, and also allows you to deliver multiple messages from the same sentence by changing a few choice words.  Click here to view an example of a typewriter effect.

Image Carousel

An image carousel is a common website feature that is often used on homepages to provide users with quick access to links and information in a visual format. Images and their corresponding information is presented as a rotating banner or slideshow, which changes every few seconds. Click here to view an example of an image slider.

Masonry Layout

Masonry layouts are a form of grid layout where items are stacked in columns and rows. These layouts offer a lot of flexibility when it comes to structuring content, as the grid items can occupy as much or as little space as needed. They can be used to display images, news, events, products, and much more. It some cases, masonry layouts can be used to provide structure to an entire website. Click here to view an example of an image masonry layout, or click here to view an example of a news article masonry layout

Clip-path Hover Effects

These subtle, yet powerful, hover effects provide a unique way of "revealing" content to the user when a target element is hovered over. The content can be revealed in a number of ways owing to the versatility of the clip-path property; since the content can be clipped to any number of shapes and sizes, the reveal can be achieved equally as many ways. One of the most popular applications of this effect is making highlighted content stand out from a collection (for example an image gallery). Click here to view an example of a clip-path hover effect.

Before & After Image Comparison

Our Before & After Image Comparison feature allows users to seamlessly compare two images by sliding a handle to reveal the difference between them. This interactive tool is perfect for showcasing transformations, such as before-and-after photos of products or services. Whether you're highlighting the remarkable results of a renovation, the effectiveness of a beauty treatment, or the dramatic difference between an unclean car and the same car after a professional polish, this feature provides a visually engaging way to demonstrate your work. Enhance your website with this dynamic comparison tool to effectively communicate the value and impact of your offerings. Click here to view an example of a before and after image comparison effect.

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