Blog articles

Google Toolbar PageRank
Toolbar pagerank (aka TBPR) refers to the pagerank bar that is included in the Google toolbar. It indicates the value Google attributes to the web page currently being viewed....
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Type of links
The whole basis of the World Wide Web was the ability to navigate from one document to another via hypertext links so users could navigate from one thing to another. Since the...
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Using Google Street View to take people inside your business
Google recently started to expand its Street View service to start enabling businesses to take their website visitors inside buildings. This started off with famous landmarks ...
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Do you need a mobile website?
 With the growing number of people using mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets to browse the internet having a website that can cater for those visitors is ...
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Google to retire the iGoogle homepage
 Google recently announced that as part of their spring cleaning they will be retiring iGoogle. The service will no longer be available as of the 1st November 201...
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Government Digital Services give their take on EU Cookie Law
The Government Digital Services team recently hosted a meeting of government website managers, developers, policy advisers and communications experts to discuss a range of iss...
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Setting up an Email Account in Outlook
In this post we are going to go through how to set up an email account in Outlook. In this instance we are using Outlook 2007 but other versions follow a very similar process....
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Setting up an Email Account on an iPhone
Having email on the go can be vital for many business. This guide will take you through step by step how to set up an email account on an iPhone. Your email account settings c...
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How to speed up Outlook
For many businesses Microsoft Outlook plays a key role in communication. The more emails you get the slower Outlook can become and the risk of data becoming corrupted can incr...
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Introduction to website analytics
Tracking how visitors find and use your website can play a very important role in the effective running of your website. The information most analytics programs provide can te...
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Bounce Rate explained.
Bounce rate is something that you will probably come across when looking at analytical data for a website. It basically shows the amount of traffic that left your website afte...
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Contact Form Spam
Contact forms are a fantastic way to allow visitors to your website get in touch directly from your site. People can fill the form in with their query which your website then ...
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Guide to DNS
Anyone who owns a domain name will have heard of the terms DNS. It may not come up very often but when it does having an understanding of what DNS is and how it works can be a...
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EU cookie legislation and the effects of implementation
Earlier in the year new legislation came into effect requiring website owners to ensure that their website get explicit permission from each user before using cookies to store...
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How to take a print screen
Saving an image of what you can see on your desktop is very quick and easy and can be invaluable when passing on errors to an IT support person.The print screen button is ...
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what good does it do to turn my PC off and on again
If computers play a even a small role in your job you will no doubt have experienced the frustration caused when a PC refuses to do what it is supposed to. This is often the t...
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The differences between full, OEM and upgrade software licences
If you have ever had to buy software for your PC you may well have come across the variety of licences companies like Microsoft use to sell software. Buying and installing the...
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Looking after your IT
The majority of businesses now rely on IT in some form or another. Even if your IT infrastructure equates to one PC it is important to ask yourself how critical is that PC for...
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